News & Events

Garden Angels Wreaths

Garden Angels Wreaths

The holiday season is on the way.  Garden Angels say prepare now.  Once again, these talented ladies are offering Christmas wreaths.  And more.  This creative group invites you to their Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, December 2nd, 10 am to 1 pm at the Clark Lake...

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Dave Turk Is #1

Dave Turk Is #1

Dave Turk is the first to register his golf cart with Columbia Township Police.  The new Township law now makes legal what previously was illegal - operating a golf cart on public roads within the Township.  In the permitting process, owners are required to have their...

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Community Center Historical Marker

Community Center Historical Marker

The Jackson County Michigan Historical Society has recognized the Clark Lake Community Center's building for its historical significance.  Standing in front of the marker are a few of the many, who over the years, are responsible for making this happen. In the photo...

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The Road Question

The Road Question

In early summer. Columbia Township mailed residents received a survey that dealt with the condition of the roads and cannabis.  Below is the question about roads. Supervisor Barry Marsh said the response to this question was "no" or negative in some other way. ...

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Regatta 2023 Results

Regatta 2023 Results

What the Clark Lake Yacht Club Regatta lacked in wind, it made up for in breaking news.  The reestablished Fleet 58 sailed into this annual event for the first time.  Of the 19 sailboats, ten were Hobies. It's true that Hobies (or any sailboat) are more fun in the...

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Yacht Club Prepares for the Regatta

Yacht Club Prepares for the Regatta

Clark Lake Yacht Club readies for the annual Fall Regatta that takes place this weekend - Saturday and Sunday, September 16 & 17.  The first race is expected to begin at 1:15 pm on Saturday, and could be followed by up to two more.  Sunday's starts at 10 am.  All...

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Clark Lake’s Brush with Greatness

Clark Lake’s Brush with Greatness

Clark Lake lore includes stories about what David Letterman called “brushes with greatness.”  That described those who, in some way, run into someone famous.  This certainly happened when the well-known visited Clark Lake and/or spent time here.  One of those...

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September 11, 2023

September 11, 2023

Last year at this time, our community was awed by Chris Donahue's salute to the victims of 9/11.  In replaying this video, you’ll revisit this remarkable display—2,977 American flags planted on his lawn on the south side, east end of Clark Lake....

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Checking Speed

Checking Speed

Columbia Township Police have a device that tells motorists how fast they are traveling.  Of course, everyone has a speedometer on the dashboard, but this gives an exact number as you pass it. Police Chief Jay Niles says the sign collects data.  He believes that it...

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Labor Day Weekend 2023

Labor Day Weekend 2023

Hot, sunny - and perfect for summer's last blast at Clark Lake.  Knowing that weather ahead and the obligations of fall may not allow for the same ton of fun, many took advantage of what Clark Lake abundantly offered on this three day weekend. Labor Day Monday started...

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How to Enjoy the Community Center

How to Enjoy the Community Center

FAQ:  How to enjoy the Clark Lake Community Center? See what others have done. The Clark Lake Community Center is regularly a venue for graduation and birthday parties, neighborhood gatherings, reunions, life celebrations, showers, weddings, receptions, and a meeting...

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Clark Lake’s Blue Moon

Clark Lake’s Blue Moon

Photo by Annette Fink An event like last night's Blue Moon was a shared experience no matter how or where you saw it.  For some at Clark Lake the sharing experience was deeper, especially when you consider where it happened.  A group of mostly ladies paddled to Eagle...

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Ford Field 2023

Ford Field 2023

Ford Field 2023 did not disappoint.  Friends and neighbors gathered yesterday evening (Sat 8/26) for this annual South Woodlands event.  For this 10th year celebration, the weather couldn't have been better.  The humidity from earlier in the day had dissipated. a...

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Golf Carts & the Spirit Trail

Golf Carts & the Spirit Trail

Columbia Township passed into law Monday night (8/21) a new ordinance that permits the use of golf carts on public roads with some restrictions.  Currently it's illegal to operate a golf cart on Columbia Township roads.  After certain conditions are met, the new law...

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Code Red Storm Blows Through

Code Red Storm Blows Through

A Code Red storm blew through Michigan and Clark Lake yesterday evening (Thurs 8/25) as the 10 pm hour approached.  The Code Red message arrived at 9:37 pm.  Tree branches are down and power is out for a wide swath of the state.  (Scroll down for two Clark Lake...

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Raft-O-Rama Theme for 2024

Raft-O-Rama Theme for 2024

This evening (Thurs 8/24), Raft-O-Rama held its season wrap up meeting, and enjoyed some pizza as they reviewed 2023.  The group that puts in the hard work to make Raft-O-Rama fun for Clark Lake also talked about next year's theme.  After weighing suggestions and...

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Golf Cart Ordinance Passes

Golf Cart Ordinance Passes

Currently, it is illegal to operate a golf cart on public roads in Columbia Township.  At tonight's board meeting (8/21), trustees changed that by voting into law an ordinance to permit and regulate their use. This is not a new topic, and this website has covered it...

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Magic Sunday

Magic Sunday

While rafts and boats gathered in the usual formations in the Eagle Point Cove yesterday afternoon, another gathering was taking place on shore inside.  Kids and adults watched a magician perform.  Jill Bentley and David Nichols invited friends and neighbors,...

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Ten Years

Ten Years

by Rick Belcher On August 16, 2013, the Clark Lake Spirit website emerged from a mass of complicated code to a platform that would tell the world about our lake.   So that there would be something to see when it went live, a few stories had been preloaded. A lot of...

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Did this Really Happen?

Did this Really Happen?

As guests of the Eagle's Nest gathered on the Lakeside Patio for Jason Cross's performance, Blake Evans entertained the crowd with a show of his own.  The Columbia Central sophomore has found ways to make a jetski perform tricks thought not possible.  The Lake...

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Spirit of Clark Lake Award 2023

Spirit of Clark Lake Award 2023

Each year, the Mary Reynolds Spirit of Clark Lake Award is bestowed on a deserving member of the community.  During July, Clark Lakers were asked to submit names and place them in a sealed container at Doyle’s Market.  Flip Reynolds announced the winner during the...

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Raft-O-Rama 2023 Results

Raft-O-Rama 2023 Results

The Clark Lake Spirit was alive and well in spite of 2 inches of rain that tried to dampen it.  Those engineering Raft-O-Rama entries had to deal with the onslaught.  Even so, cardboard, paint and duct tape weathered remarkedly well in preserving the creative work of...

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Freedom Fireworks 2023

Freedom Fireworks 2023

Clark Lake's Big Weekend was all the bigger last night (Sat 8/5).  Freedom Fireworks shook the lake and filled the sky with an unbelievable array of colors and designs. Thanks to Ralph Mahalak Jr., his family, and friends for treating Clark Lake to this awesome...

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Run Clark Lake 2023

Run Clark Lake 2023

The 48th Run Clark Lake began with a stirring rendition of our National Anthem.  The competitive spirit was definitely in the air, and the weather favored the runners.  The day started cloudy, and gradually the sun began to make its appearance.  The temperature...

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