In early summer. Columbia Township mailed residents received a survey that dealt with the condition of the roads and cannabis.  Below is the question about roads.

Supervisor Barry Marsh said the response to this question was “no” or negative in some other way.  Informal conversations at Clark Lake tended to confirm a similar sentiment.  That idea has been dropped, nor has any interest emerged for a new road SAD at Clark Lake.

Because the topic of roads at Lake Columbia has dominated meetings recently, here’s a look at what’s happening.

Lake Columbia is addressing the problem of bad roads by neighborhoods.  The Township received Special Assessment District (SAD) petitions from three neighborhoods where 51% of the residents said yes to a paving plan.  At last night’s meeting (Mon 9/18), the board passed a resolution advancing SAD’s to the next step for Bayview Shores, Hill-n-Shore, and Holiday Shores II.  Chris Losey coordinating the project, and says a total of 14 neighborhoods at Lake Columbia are working to establish SADs.

The board approved selecting Miller-Canfield as the bond council.  The maximum length of bond to pay for the work is 15 years.

In other Township news, the board approved the hiring of Josh Watson as a parttime police officer.   He attended Columbia School District Schools, has a bachelor’s degree from Defiance College and currently resides in the Woodstock Township area.   Josh Watson is self-employed as a realtor and works part-time for another police agency.

The board approved the purchase of 20 sewer system grinder can packages.  The cans will be used to replace damaged units, new connections, or relocations.  The current supply had been depleted to less than 10 units.  Out of three brands, Rick Church recommended the Kennedy Industries Barnes Basin package at $4450 each.  The $89,000 total cost reflects a 10% discount for ordering 20 units.

