News & Events
Jackson’s Tuesday Club at Beautiful Clark Lake
It was 146 years ago that Ella Sharp introduced an innovation - an escape from the home. The formation of the Tuesday Club came at a time when women were mostly housebound. Men went to work, women stayed home. That had to be a challenge even for the most devoted...
Motorcycle Crash Monday
The operator of a motorcycle drifted over the centerline of Wamplers Lake Road near the 100 block, went over an embankment, and into a creek, according to Columbia Charter Township Police Chief Jay Niles on Monday, May 13th. 49-year-old Paul D. Hoover of Van Buren,...
Accident – Riverside and Brooklyn Road
Columbia Charter Township Police responded to a vehicle vs structure crash at Riverside and Brooklyn Road on May 9th just before noon. On arrival at the scene of the crash officers discovered that there were no injuries to the occupant of the truck nor anybody within...
Northern Lights Update
With cloud cover rolling in at Clark Lake, seeing the NOAA-promised northern light show seemed dubious. Not so for Diane Deming. She caught four awesome photos last night (Fri 5/10). But it didn't start that way. Standing on the dock at around 10:30 pm, she...
Bill Vinson Caught Talking Trash at Clark Lake
But why, Bill? Lurking in Clark Lake's Underwater Wonderland are things that shouldn't be there - poles, stakes, cement blocks, cans, bottles, lawn chairs, abandoned boats, and maybe those sunglasses you lost two summers ago. Bill Vinson is one of the volunteers...
Northern Lights
NOAA is forecasting a major geomagnetic storm. According to the Weather Channel, this is the first time a Severe Geomagnetic Storm Watch has been issued since January 2005. On a scale of 1 to 9, this is an 8. NOAA warns at least five Earth-directed coronal mass...
Flags at Clark Lake
Once again, Brooklyn Kiwanis is launching the annual program that ensures you can easily display an American flag on each patriotic occasion through the year. These dates include Armed Forces Day through July 4th, Labor Day through September 11, and Election Day...
Clark Lake Flashback – June 1997
Twenty-seven years ago big things were taking place at Clark Lake. Crews were mounting the Graziani cottage on a barge where it would soon be floated to its new forever home in the County Park at the east end. A news hand-out titled "Spirt of the Lakes," published...
Montessori at Clark Lake: Update
"We went through 48 hours of sadness," says Diane Smith. For months, Brad and Diane Smith have been on a mission to establish a Montessori daycare in what was formerly the Clarklake Community Church on Hyde Road. On Thursday, the Columbia Charter Township Board of...
Montessori at Clark Lake Gets Bad News
"The kids lost tonight," says Diane Smith. She and her husband, Brad, have spent months in their effort to convert the former Clarklake Community Church into a Montessori daycare, ages 3-12. That process involved carefully developing plans to convert the building to...
Clark Lake’s Memory – Update #1
Thanks to fifteen donations, the Clark Lake Memory Fund is underway and partway to the goal. The fund will make possible the repair of broken, tipped over, or out of place headstones in the Clark Lake Cemetery. They will then be gently cleaned. The work will be...
Clark Lake’s Memory
A visit to the cemetery on Hyde Road connects you to Clark Lake's Memory. You first notice familiar names like Vermeulen, Adkins, Jackson, Anderson, and Reed. Look further and you find reminders of the area's earliest settlers. George Stranahan, his son George Jr.,...
Spirit Trail Beauty
The Welcome to Clark Lake Sign delivers a friendly greeting to anyone driving by the North Lake/Grand Boulevard curve. It also serves as a lift for Spirit Trail users, and on the other side, recognizes donors. The motivation to build the Sign and Spirit Trail takes...
Ladies Night Out Coming Up
Ladies Night Out Wine Tasting at the Eagle's Nest Bar & Grill is closer than you think. Did those who attended last year enjoy the evening? Smiling faces tell the story. Check out the video for more....
It Takes a Chain
Let's make it plain it takes a chain to deal with the rain This poetry is definitely out of the My Fair Lady league, but the "rain in Spain" theme was hard to resist. So, what's this about a chain? Once having installed eavetroughs on this Community Center...
Coming Clean at Clark Lake
To be sure, Clark Lake has sights not typically seen by boat or from shore. Clark Lake's Underwater Wonderland showcases the Ghost Village Yacht Club at the west end. Divers use it for scuba practice. The monument memorializing a fatal airplane crash in 1990...
It’s Official: Dan Morea Inducted into the HOF
Friends, family, and fellow water skiers gathered to honor Dan Morea as he was inducted into the Michigan Water Ski Hall of Fame yesterday (Sat 4/13). As you will see in the video, Dan is the sixth from Clark Lake to join this group of accomplished skiers. The video...
Now There Are Two
As viewers of this website know, Clark Lake's horse population grew by one on Monday (4/8). Since then, the colt has been named Sunny. Jill Bentley says it fits because the eclipse also happened the day of his birth. Now becoming accustomed to Jill's barn, KC's...
Birth Announcement
One of two greatly anticipated births has taken place. Welcome KC's foal to Clark Lake. Above, Jill Bentley is with KC, the mare, and KC's offspring, a colt. This photo was taken around 2 pm today (Tues 4/9), not long after Jill first saw the addition to the herd. ...
Lights in the Sky
From the earliest recorded history, mankind has look skyward. Looking up may elicit a variety of reactions. If it's a storm, get the toys off the dock. If it's starry night raft ride, feel refreshed. If it's a Clark Lake sunset, feel inspired. If it's a solar...
Spirit Trail Cleanup 2024
It was worth the wait. The Spirit Trail Cleanup was called off the past two Saturdays, but that changed in a big way today (Sat 4/6). As as the cleanup progressed under sunny skies, the temperature topped 50. The Clark Lake Spirit was in full evidence among the...
Spirit Trail Clean Up – Third Try Is the Charm
Will the third try be the charm for the Spirit Trail Clean Up? The weather looks much friendlier for this Saturday (4/6). Clean up begins at 9 am. All at the lake are invited to pitch in to clear away what winter has left behind. Volunteers will meet at the Trail...
Easter Egg Hunt 2024
A 1/4 inch of rain this morning did not deter the Easter Bunny nor dampen spirits for the Easter Egg Hunt this afternoon (Sat 3/30). Kids 2 through 12 lined up to hunt eggs at Clark Lake Lions Club Park. Inside the eggs were surprise treats. Among the many eggs,...
Spirit Trail Clean Up Postponed (Again)
Depending on the forecast you view, predictions are for a 90% chance of rain tomorrow (Sat 3/30). At this point, it looks as if most of the rain will take place in prime time for the Spirit Trail Clean Up. So, plans have changed. The clean up has been rescheduled...
Easter Egg Hunt Saturday
Once again, the Clark Lions Club is inviting kids 2 to 12 for the Easter Egg Hunt at 2 pm Saturday. The location is the Lion's park. Check out this map to find it. How did things go last year? Lots of sunshine and smiling faces. ...