News & Events

Men’s Shuffleboard 2022-3 Week 5

Men’s Shuffleboard 2022-3 Week 5

Week 5 of Men's Shuffleboard is now in the record books.  Check out the results from last night's competition.  For the Division Standings, please scroll down. Here the Division Standings starting with Week 1 through Week 5 (Thursday night). ...

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Village of Jefferson

Village of Jefferson

Recently whispers of the long forgotten past became slightly audible.  Part of Main Street, Village of Jefferson, is now in the hands of the Lake Columbia Property Owners Association.  Village of Jefferson?  Yes, you read that correctly.  The plat is nothing more than...

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Clark Lake Concert Venue Proposal Tabled for a Month

Clark Lake Concert Venue Proposal Tabled for a Month

The Columbia Township Board tabled until next month a promoter's proposal to stage a concert series at Clark Lake.  The promoter, Scott Vitale, intends to bring in country music acts on five different dates in 2023.  As reported on this website in November, and again...

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Clark Lake Concert Venue

Clark Lake Concert Venue

In November, this website described a proposal made to Columbia Township that would locate a concert venue at Clark Lake.  It would be accessed from US 127 and Industrial Drive. Promoter Scott Vitale says the concerts would feature the Country Boots & Bands...

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Accident at 127 and Jefferson Road

Accident at 127 and Jefferson Road

MDOT reports an accident at 127 and Jefferson Road at 5:36 pm, and that the road is closed.  Details, when available. UPDATE: As of 6:45 pm Sunday, the intersection is open.

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Prudy Christman Life Celebration

Prudy Christman Life Celebration

Prudy Christman passed away on January 5th, as reported earlier on this website.  Prudy’s husband, Greg, wishes to thank the many who left kind messages of sympathy in the comment section of the story, or in other ways expressed condolences.  Greg would like friends...

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Clark Lake Winter Blast from the Past

Clark Lake Winter Blast from the Past

The warm summer breezes and bright sun are taking their annual hiatus.  But that doesn't mean Clark Lake fun stops during the cold winter months.  You just have to dress for it.  For several years, the Clark Lake Lions Club presented an Ice Festival.  Recently Bill...

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Men’s Shuffleboard 2022-3 Week 4

Men’s Shuffleboard 2022-3 Week 4

Men's Shuffleboard results for week 4 are in. Scroll down for the standings. Here are the updated standings presented so you can see how results change week to week.  All four weeks from the 2022-3 season are included. Now in its 29th year,...

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Prudy Christman • 1950 – 2023

Prudy Christman • 1950 – 2023

Mary Prudence Christman, known to all as Prudy, 72, of Clark Lake passed away at her home on January 5, 2023. Prudy was pure Clark Lake. She attended the small Clark Lake school, grades one through eight, with the same 11 children, most of whom have remained in the...

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Men’s Shuffleboard 2022-3 Week 3

Men’s Shuffleboard 2022-3 Week 3

Holidays are over, and it's back to the action for the Men's Shuffleboard League.  Did the hiatus change trajectories?  Check out the results from Thursday's night play at the Beach Bar. Take a deeper dive into the stats with the first three weeks of the standings....

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Cemetery Improvements Begin

Cemetery Improvements Begin

Work crews have started several improvements to the Clark Lake Cemetery.   What remains of the old chain link fencing will be removed and be replaced with "spear top" fencing.  The new fencing will extend around the three sides of the cemetery---north, south and...

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Clark Lake Reassurance

Clark Lake Reassurance

For those concerned about the spate of grey, dreary days, this article is for you. You could describe recent weather the same way financial guys on TV describe stock market activity:  volatile.  Rewind to the plunge below zero before and during Christmas, intensified...

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Invasive Weed Update – Fall 2022

Invasive Weed Update – Fall 2022

PLM surveys Clark Lake for invasive weeds in the spring and fall.  Based on data gathered, they prepare a comprehensive report on current conditions; and from that, outline a treatment program for next year.  The fall 2022 survey illustrates the progress achieved in...

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Christmas Jump 2022

Christmas Jump 2022

A Clark Lake Christmas tradition is now in its 13th year.  And it was the most chilling ever.  Every Christmas day, Will Stewart jumps into the frigid waters of Clark Lake as a thank you for a gift he received.  Check out how a snorkel led to all of this in the...

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Merry Christmas 2022

Merry Christmas 2022

Nowhere is the Christmas spirit more evident than at Clark Lake.  Greetings are exchanged, friends gather, and Christmas lights shine brightly.  And so it seems that each year, more people decorate their homes for all to enjoy.  You'll see joy of the season in the...

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Blair and Jorge Ready Another Launch

Blair and Jorge Ready Another Launch

Lucero's Mexican Bar & Grill, at Jefferson and Ocean Beach, did what nobody thought could happen.  The restaurant's popularity sky rocketed where no previous venture had succeeded.  Now owner Blair Huff and manager Jorge Orozco plan to apply the same success...

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Fire on Grand Boulevard

Fire on Grand Boulevard

A chimney fire threatened a Grand Boulevard home this evening (Sunday 12/18).  While inside, Diane Kenyon says the first sign of it was hearing what sounded like someone arranging firewood stacked against the house.  But that assessment quickly changed.  Chunks of...

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Men’s Shuffleboard 2022 Week 2

Men’s Shuffleboard 2022 Week 2

Men's Shuffleboard at Clark Lake is underway, having just completed week 2 Thursday night.  But before checking out results so far, take a look at what the league is all about.  Just guys goofing off?  Think again.  Legacy, competition, rivalry, intensity, even...

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Road Closure at Lake Columbia

Road Closure at Lake Columbia

Golfview Drive, between Claremont Circle and Abbot Land Road, will be closed on Tuesday, December 20th.  The Jackson County Department of Transportation is taking the action to replace a cross tube on that date, weather permitting.  According to the department,...

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Shop with a Cop 2022

Shop with a Cop 2022

It will be a merrier Christmas for 30 local kids because Shop with a Cop embraced them with the spirit of the season.  Chief Jay Niles' department took local kids who might need a boost on a shopping spree, in the company of their own, Columbia Township's finest. Shop...

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Clark Lake Post Office Manager Retires

Clark Lake Post Office Manager Retires

For the last seven years, Tim Kurtz has been the friendly face at counter of the Clark Lake Post Office.  More than taking care of mailing customer's packages, he also has been the person who sorts the mail for those who have post office boxes at the Clark Lake...

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Men’s Shuffleboard – Year 29 Begins

Men’s Shuffleboard – Year 29 Begins

Now embarking on its 29th year, Men's Shuffleboard at Clark Lake launched its new season Thursday evening at the Beach Bar.  Over the years, friendly rivalries have emerged.  Fans will be watching to see how this year's competition evolves.  Last season, Brad Beyer...

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Cannabis Public Hearing

Cannabis Public Hearing

Columbia Township held a public hearing to receive comment on the future of cannabis business activity in the Township.  The Township's current ordinance prohibits it.  This ordinance was passed soon after the statewide ballot initiative made it legal. Most speakers...

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Cannabis in Columbia Township

Cannabis in Columbia Township

The Columbia Township Board has scheduled a public hearing regarding the potential operation of cannabis-oriented businesses within Township boundaries.  The meeting will be held this evening at 7 pm (Mon 12/5) at the Township hall. When the electorate legalized...

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Shop with a Cop Fundraiser 2022

Shop with a Cop Fundraiser 2022

Donors stepped up in a big way for Shop with a Cop.  As a result, kids who need the boost will have a Christmas they will long remember.  Police Chief Jay Niles, accompanied by Eagle's Nest owner Blair Huff and manager Jorge Orozco, along with John Lefere and others...

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