A quick check reveals that most locations around Clark Lake once again have electric power. There is one glaring exception. As of 3 pm (Sun 2/26), traffic lights at 127/Jefferson Road were not functioning. Safe travel depended upon drivers regarding this busy intersection as a four-way stop.
A small army of utility trucks from Virginia descended onto Clark Lake yesterday (Sat 2/25). Fanning out from their military-like formation at Lions Park, they dealt with downed lines one right after another. Power returning to residents began shortly thereafter. Some locations waited their turn until Sunday, including the Eagle Point/Lakeview West corridor. That area was restored at 10:10 am today. One Oakwood resident said their power came back about noon. Permanent standby generators automatically shut down, but not so portable units. Our courteous southern guests knocked on doors, informing residents that their power was back and they could shut down their generators.
It’s been a long stretch. As freezing rain stressed the landscape, entire trees and major limbs crashed to the ground. Most lost power Wednesday evening. On Thursday, this website’s toured the lake and showed photos of what the ice storm left behind. Some damage was severe; for others, a mess to clean up.
An unprecedented number of power lines came down. Some limbs became entangled in ways usually conjured only by imagination.
Thursday’s dour photos need an antidote. Here’s a look at Clark Lake from this afternoon, with most power restored and sun easing recent stressful memories.
Previous stories on this topic:
Power Restoration Continues – Clark Lake Spirit Foundation
Friday Ice Storm Update – Clark Lake Spirit Foundation
Ice Storm Aftermath – Clark Lake Spirit Foundation
Trees Down and Power Out at Clark Lake – Clark Lake Spirit Foundation