Clark Lake’s Foxes

Clark Lake’s Foxes

Clark Lake has its share of wildlife.  That includes foxes who appear to thrive here and don’t seem to mind being around people.  David Nichols has positioned a camera that snaps photos when it senses motion. He then downloads the photos.  It...
Clark Lake’s Family of Eight

Clark Lake’s Family of Eight

This is Part 2 of the Mother Goose story.  As previously reported in Natural Encounters, a goose had nested at the tip of Eagle Point this spring.  Geese are plentiful at Clark Lake, sometimes too plentiful.  So, the focus of the story was how geese are...
Mother Goose

Mother Goose

This is no fairy tale.  It’s real life at Clark Lake.  Geese are plentiful at Clark Lake.  Some will say too plentiful.  But what’s happening right now at Eagle Point garners a bit more respect for the species.  A female has laid...
Eagle Sighting

Eagle Sighting

Clark Lake is ever changing.  Just watch and it’s one scene after another. The first slide show reveals one of Clark Lake’s eagles.  The first photo is from yesterday and the rest from about 6 pm today.  In today’s visit, the eagle had...
Two Natural Encounters

Two Natural Encounters

Over the last 24 hours, there were two eye-catching, but very different, natural encounters.  First, an eagle was spotted sitting in a tree at Kentucky Point yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon.  Upon noticing some human activity, the eagle spread its wing and...
Eagle on Clark Lake Ice

Eagle on Clark Lake Ice

On Saturday afternoon, an eagle spent some quality time on Clark Lake’s newly formed ice in Pierces Bay.  Though not visible in the photo, the eagle appeared to be enjoying a snack of something it found or caught.  Upon deciding it was time to leave,...
Clark Lake’s Unusual Visitor

Clark Lake’s Unusual Visitor

Ask around “when was the last time you saw a pelican at Clark Lake?”  Most will answer “never.”  That changed recently when Mike McKay and others at the lake spotted this visitor at the east end of the lake. Chris Kudner took the...
The Furnace and the Hummingbird

The Furnace and the Hummingbird

by John Deming For years I’ve tried to avoid using the furnace before October 1st. This game with the furnace began in the early 70’s out of necessity.  Heat cost money, and we didn’t have much. Our home, a cottage, was poorly insulated and had...
Fish Teaches Lesson

Fish Teaches Lesson

A Clark Lake fish recently illustrated a tenet of human philosophy.  In elementary school, teachers warn you about biting off more than you can chew.  In this Clark Lake moment, Mr. Walleye tried to ingest a fish he thought he could swallow.  Once the...
Sand Hill Crane Visit

Sand Hill Crane Visit

You sometimes see Sand Hill Cranes around the fields in our area.  Less frequent are their visits to Clark Lake.  These two were enjoying whatever morsels they could find along the Eagle Point shoreline (west end) this morning.  Aside from their grand...
Eagle at Eagle Point

Eagle at Eagle Point

This juvenile eagle circling the skies around Eagle Point was there for a reason—looking for brunch.  Elaine Stewart caught the action this morning (March 17) as the predator looked to scoop up a...
Pigs on the Loose

Pigs on the Loose

Do you really expect to see pigs on the loose along Jefferson Road?   Frank Hones captured the action as he passed by.  “Vietnamese pot belly pigs are probably somebody’s pets that got away.”  The pigs were strolling along an area...