Out of the six cygnets that we saw riding on their mother’s back last Spring, two were killed by the male swan and the rest were either taken by the Cooper’s Hawk, the big black snake we see swimming by on the west end of the lake, three snapping turtles...
It was late October in 2008 or 2009. Turtles of various kinds often nest in front of our place on the east side of Eagle Point. At the time of this incident, several snapping turtles could be observed. The snappers were fairly large, like to bury themselves in the...
I wonder where swans land on the animal kingdom’s IQ scale. As winter approached several years ago, a swan remained still too long on the surface of the lake on a cold evening. The result was that it became frozen in place and could not free itself. Several of us...
We were curious about swan behaviors on Clark Lake this year especially after we saw the proud mother swimming with all six cygnets on her back in early June on the west end. The proud father had a watchful eye and even hissed at us when we gave them a little organic...
This is not a funny story to me. I use to laugh a little when it happened to others. In addition to the waterfowl, and many beautiful birds, Clark Lake residents and Spirit Trail travelers are treated to a large variety of animals. They often see, turtles,...