Was it a seagull?

Was it a seagull?

It’s not unusual to see a lot of geese stopping at Clark Lake as they migrate south to their winter locations.  But was that really a seagull hanging out with the geese?  That’s something you don’t usually see.  Becky Consonni solves the seagull...


Yes, Clark Lake has them.  Becky Consonni observed American Coots along the shoreline this fall.  She has learned that if you have a sandy beach, you probably won’t see them in front of your house. She found that they love to eat whatever seaweed is left after...
Sandhill Cranes, Part 2

Sandhill Cranes, Part 2

In an earlier post, Tucker Boyers reported the unusual Sandhill Crane activity on Clark Lake.  The cranes are rarely, if ever, seen on the ice.  Two more Clark Lake residents also noticed the incident.  It caught the attention of John Deming and Becky Consonni.  John...
Sandhill Cranes on Clark Lake Ice

Sandhill Cranes on Clark Lake Ice

It rarely if ever happens.  On Thursday, a group of Sandhill Cranes gathered on the ice at Clark Lake.  Tucker Boyers, who caught them in the act, suspects that this change of behavior was brought on by the very cold weather with “all of their other water...
Another Sad Swan Story

Another Sad Swan Story

You don’t have to be at Clark Lake long to notice the swans that have taken up residence here. They are large, exhibit interesting habits, and are quite willing to take care of themselves when confronted. Given their ability to fend for themselves, and their size...
Clark Lake Wood Ducks

Clark Lake Wood Ducks

My husband, John, and I have lived on the southeast side of Clark Lake for 39 years. We have always been quite amazed at the variety of wildlife found in this area in spite of so much human activity, especially in the summer months. However, if one is observant and...
Catch Anything Lately?

Catch Anything Lately?

Yes!  John Calhoun reports that this has been the best October for pan fish at Clark Lake in quite a while.  John has managed to catch bragging-size bluegills with minnows.  He’s also done well with perch and crappie. Add to that results reported by Joe Rumler...
Walleye and Pike

Walleye and Pike

A walleye and pike floated in recently.   This is the first time I’ve ever seen a walleye and was very impressed with it’s two dorsal fins. We cannot tell how this fish died as there was no lure or prop marks found. The northern pike was 32 inches long when found....
Purple Martin House

Purple Martin House

After we bought our place on Clark Lake from my Mother’s trust in June of 2011, it seemed like everything needed fixing. Despite major catastrophes like the furnace and the water pump, the worst thing to go was our old Purple Martin house. A mighty wind off the...
Clark Lake Swans Followup & More

Clark Lake Swans Followup & More

Out of the six cygnets that we saw riding on their mother’s back last Spring, two were killed by the male swan and the rest were either taken by the Cooper’s Hawk, the big black snake we see swimming by on the west end of the lake, three snapping turtles...
Turtle vs. Swan

Turtle vs. Swan

It was late October in 2008 or 2009. Turtles of various kinds often nest in front of our place on the east side of Eagle Point. At the time of this incident, several snapping turtles could be observed. The snappers were fairly large, like to bury themselves in the...
A Sad Swan Song

A Sad Swan Song

I wonder where swans land on the animal kingdom’s IQ scale. As winter approached several years ago, a swan remained still too long on the surface of the lake on a cold evening. The result was that it became frozen in place and could not free itself. Several of us...