It looked like a seagull from a distance.  But turned out to be Ross's Goose!

It looked like a seagull from a distance. But turned out to be Ross’s Goose!

It’s not unusual to see a lot of geese stopping at Clark Lake as they migrate south to their winter locations.  But was that really a seagull hanging out with the geese?  That’s something you don’t usually see.  Becky Consonni solves the seagull mystery!:

Just last month there were sooooo many Canadian Geese visiting the west end of the lake.  One day I think I counted 300!  Then one morning I saw this white bird flying with a group of nine geese.  This bird had black tips on the end of it’s wings and was bigger than a sea gull.  When I saw that it had landed in an area that you can view from Hyde Road, I jumped in my car (still in my pajamas!) with camera in hand.  I pulled over to the side of the road near the boat launch with my emergency flashers on.  Geese on Clark LakeA Columbia Township Police Officer stopped next to me and asked if I was okay.  I said: “LOOK!  A SNOW GOOSE!”  He was as surprised as I was, and I was grateful he didn’t make me get out of my car.

Upon researching this with the help of Google, I found that this was not really a snow goose.  It is a Ross’s Goose.  My mother was wrong when she said “birds of a feather flock together” in this case.
