Thanks to the generosity of Ralph Mahalak Jr, his family and friends, Freedom Fireworks will return to Clark Lake.  The action will be part of Clark Lake’s big weekend, August 3rd and 4th – Run Clark Lake on Saturday morning, Freedom Fireworks Saturday evening, and Raft-O-Rama on Sunday, August 4th.

Fireworks over Clark Lake’s waters present an incredible stage, hard to replicate anywhere else.  Through reflection, fireworks create a design of magical quality.  Ripples become shimmers of light in the darkness. Boat lifts, sailboat masts, rafts and docks take on a vision of enchantment.  The thunderous blasts reverberates across the water, intensifying the effect.

Fireworks like these should be seen and felt in person.  These photos hint at last year’s reality.

Those who would like to support the cause by making a donation can write a check to the vendor, Starfire Corporation, and mailing it to Ralph Jr., 6378 North Shore Dr., Clark Lake, MI 49234.
