According to Columbia Township officials, about 4000 gallons of raw sewage has spilled into Clark Lake. The spillage took place today in the Q Lane area at the site of new construction. Another Township official said that a contractor working for Consumers Energy drilled into a sewage line causing the spill.
The Township advises to stay out of the water until more is known.
The Brooklyn DPW, responsible for maintenance of Clark Lake’s sewer, is on the scene. The DEQ has been notified. Other Township officials are at the location or on their way. More details as they become available.
I am supposed to have a family reunion there on saturday the 10th. Will it be okay by then?
Please see the latest update story.
I find this inexcusable. Utility line marking should have clearly marked the line, it is in their code system. If they did, then the contractor was negligent. It they didn’t then they were negligent. If sewer lines are not required to be marked then the Township codes are negligent. Whichever party missed the boat needs to step up their game big time.
I totally agree Bill. I get angry when I see an empty can or wrapper in the lake. This is completely unacceptable.
Over the years there have been several negligent acts by Consumers subcontractors, many of which are low bidders from out of state. It will be interesting to see what reparations will be made by them for this gross negligence. How about $30,000 for the spirit trail maintenance?
I agree with Bill Leutz’s comments, and further the negligent party needs to be held accountable!!!