The proposal to allow a concert venue at Clark Lake is an “action item” for the Columbia Township board this evening.  That usually means a vote will take place.

The venue would be located off of 127 with the only entrance and exit through Industrial Drive.  That property is located about 1/4 mile from the corner of North Shore and Hyde.  Since Wednesday, over 50 people, who were willing to give their name, have commented on  All but two opposed the proposal.  Comments highlighted the potential of congestion and accidents on 127, alcohol, drugs, fights, criminal activity, sanitation, pollution, noise and little or no apparent benefit to residents.

Another concern related to Clark Lake’s future. As a place to own, Clark Lake has become a destination.  People desire to establish homes here.  Some have made sacrifices to make that happen as evidenced by the investments they have made. When older structures deteriorate and can’t be improved, beautiful new homes replace them.  Recently, a successful fundraising campaign ensured the preservation of Clark Lake’s past through a restored Community Center.  Garden Angels, Spirit Trail and other volunteers work to benefit the community.  This is built into the Clark Lake culture, and fortells a bright, prosperous, happy future.

Real estate agents regularly describe Clark Lake as “sought after.”  How would a concert venue change that?  Miles Jones states “We did not purchase a home on beautiful Clarklake to experience multiple Faster Horses style concerts every year and all of the associated problems that come with them just a quarter of a mile from the Lake.”  Amanda adds “I just moved out here for peace and to enjoy Clark Lake. I don’t want to live by a live music venue, nor did I plan on that. If I did, I would have bought a place by MIS or in Jackson.” Thomas Kohut says “it will hurt property values in the area.” Flip Reynolds enumerated many negatives he believes would inure and concludes “This is my home and I’m very proud of what we have here.”

The promoter has stated up to 5000 will attend with parking for 1750 cars, and plans five events each season.  Comments and discussion around the community reacted to this possibility.  It has caused residents to wonder about the short and long term consequences.  Instead of being known for its spring fed waters, beautiful sunsets, and fun activities, what if Clark Lake acquires a reputation for the anticipated toxic side effects?  Would that change the motivation of those who think Clark Lake is their destination?

At the beginning of tonight’s Township board meeting, residents can speak up to 3 minutes in public comment.  The meeting begins at 7 pm sharp.  The location is 8500 Jefferson Road, Brooklyn.

For further research, here are previous articles about the proposal.

Clark Lake Concert Venue Proposal Tabled for a Month – Clark Lake Spirit Foundation

Clark Lake Concert Venue – Clark Lake Spirit Foundation

Venue Proposed near Clark Lake – Clark Lake Spirit Foundation
