Here are two events you’ll want to check out this weekend:  the Clark Lake Yacht Club Fall Regatta, Saturday and Sunday; and the Clark Lake Garden Angels Fundraiser, Sunday.

The Yacht Club’s annual regatta brings competitors to Clark Lake from all over.  Sailboats are categorized by class, and these are the boats likely to compete this weekend–Rebels, Interlakes, Sunfish, Wayfarers, Buccaneers, Hobies, and Lasers.  Whether spectator or participant, you’ll want to plan around this schedule.


Registration – 9 am – noon
Lunch 11 am
Race Meeting – noon
30 minute warning – 12:15 pm
First race – 12:45 pm


Race meeting – 9 am
30 minute warning – 9:30 am
First race – 10 am
Lunch – ?
Awards – after last race

The number of races each day is determined by the committee.  Decisions typically depend on weather conditions.

As of this writing (Thursday 11 pm), Saturday’s forecast calls for temperatures in the low 70s, mostly cloudy and winds from the east at 7 mph.  The Yacht Club’s Hugh Harris makes an interesting observation about wind at Clark Lake.  “There is no such thing as a steady wind from one direction.  Sailors find winds vary depending where you are, caused by the outline of the lake.” And of course, the weather could change without notice by the time the sailboats cross the start line.

Conditions could only be described as wild for Saturday’s races last year.  There were collisions, capsizing, and mast breaking.  Then 24 hours later on Sunday, it was much calmer, but there was enough wind to make for interesting competition. To view Saturday’s excitement, click here.  To view photos of Sunday’s competition and results, click here.

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While the sailboats compete on the lake, the Garden Angels invite you to a completely different event at the Clark Lake Community Center on Sunday, from noon to 3 pm. On sale will be fall mums and garden decorations.  You can also quiz an arborist and local gardeners on ways to improve the beauty of your home and garden.  Not only is this group good in the garden, but they are also experts in the kitchen.  You’ll want to check out the baked goods, cider and donuts.


The Garden Angels enhance Clark Lake’s beauty in a significant way.  You can view their work at the triangle where North Lake and Ocean Beach Roads meet.  They also cultivate the gardens around the Community Center.

dsc_0138_856Clark Lake’s Garden Angels


