Over the years, Clark Lake is known for either innovating or opening an early door to innovation on the lake. For example, it is here the first motor driven raft started its the incredible journey. The raft, known elsewhere as pontoon boats, began life at Clark Lake and spread like wildfire nationwide and all over the world. Clark Lake’s contribution came by simply cutting a slot in a swimming raft and mounting an outboard motor.
Several summers ago, the Jet Liv made its debut. While it was not invented here and hasn’t caught on with the same vigor as the raft, it’s gravity defying performance was impressive to watch and experience.
It was also at Clark Lake, that Jon Broderick blazed a trail of his own. With the help of his grandmother and Bowser Eagy, he crafted a kite. Wally Thayer towed him behind his big Century, and like the Wright brothers, Jon took flight–over Clark Lake.
The latest innovation to come to Clark Lake is the submersible. Submersibles are like submarines. Unlike those used for our nation’s defense by the Navy, these new underwater vehicles hold two or three people and have the capability of diving thousands of feet. They operate on battery. Users claim the experience is unbelievable. They are able to view the underwater scene without the physical limitations of scuba tanks.
This summer three submersibles will come to Clark Lake for a contest–the 2018 Sub Showdown. The underwater craft will launch from the boat ramp at the east end and rev their electrically powered engines toward the boat launch at the west end. These subs are not fast (about 4 mph), so navigating skill will count heavily.
Scuba divers will mark an underwater course. Pilots will use their built in GPS to ensure they stay within the prescribed limits. Along the way, the path directs the subs to circle an area known to be Clark Lake’s deepest–about 60 feet off Hancock Point (east end). This is where archeologists have discovered the remains of ancient civilization that existed before the melting of glaciers deposited their waters into the lake. There is a deep hole of unknown depth in this location. A team from MSU, who surveyed it, believe that it was the well that supplied water for the community of Clarkatola. Through a fragment of stone inscriptions, much like the Rosetta stone in the British museum, they were able to learn the name of the community of long ago.
Once the crafts have circled Clarkatola, they will rendezvous again between Eagle and Kentucky Points. Here they will momentarily surface where the future man-made island is expected to be constructed. This will give viewers a chance to see which sub surfaces first (it’s expected some spectators will have money on the line).
The best place for viewing will be this midpoint location and the finish line at the west end boat launch.
Do not conclude that this is not fake news.