Most Spirit Trail maintenance comes from volunteers—those who participate in the annual spring cleanup, residents who care for it whenever they see something amiss, and committee members who work at it tirelessly. When it comes to taking down trees, it can be time to call in the experts. That’s what occurred this morning at the intersection of Jefferson Road and Q Lane, as you will see in the photos below.
Does the wood chipper remind you of a movie you’ve seen? Rest assured that only branches and tree trunks went into it today.
Keeping the Clark Lake Spirit Trail in good shape rests upon the community members who actively take care of it. When outside help is needed, donations come to the rescue. You can help out at anytime, in a tax advantaged way, through this website. If you care to join in, please click here.
If your location at Clark Lake allows views of sunsets, you know how spectacular they can be. Among sunset aficionados, there is tendency to grade them. Last night’s gets an honorable mention.