A good turnout sped this year’s clean up of the Clark Lake Spirit Trail. Each spring energized volunteers join forces. Equipped with rakes, shovels, and wheelbarrows, they manicure the 7.3 mile path. In the photos below, you’ll see some of that activity as it took place at the County Park, along Jefferson Road, and in the Township Park. Of course, there are far more locations around the lake. The good news that many people pitch in, not only on cleanup day, but whenever the need arises throughout the year.
Winter leaves behind a surprising amount of unwanted leftovers. In the photos you’ll see the crew work on branches, leaves, a degraded deer carcass, and stopped up drain.
The day was bright, sunny and not too cold–about 30 degrees as the cleanup began. Another sign of spring was taking place at the same time. The remaining ice on the lake continued to melt. What could be better than this?
In the photos and video below, Bill Leutz captures the ice still visible along the Eagle Point shoreline.
We live is such a wonderful community. Thank you all for helping spiffy up the.
“Happy trails ahead “