Co-Chair Joe Collins of the Raft-O-Rama Committee has some questions for you:
“Do you have a little time on your hands? Do you like to put on a great party and do some good for your community at the same time? Do you LOVE Clark Lake?
“If the answer is ‘YES’ to any of these, your Raft-O-Rama Committee would love to have you join us. Raft-O-Rama has been this area’s premier community event for almost 60 years. It is a fun time for all ages and has generated funds for many community causes. There are many tasks involved in putting this great show on year after year; while we do have a long-serving and dedicated cast of characters, more hands lighten the load. Further, we’d welcome new ideas from new minds.
“Our next Committee meeting will be held on Sunday, April 7th at 12 Noon at the Clark Lake Golf Course. If you have any interest at all, please stop by and join us. Or, if you’re not available then, feel free to email Joe Collins, one of the co-chairpersons, at In any case, put August 4th on your calendar for Raft-O-Rama, 2019!
Just to show you the fun doesn’t stop over the winter, here are the Raft-O-Rama committee members at the Christmas Party.
The theme for Raft-O-Rama 2019 is video games. To review the finale of the 2018 Raft-O-Rama, please click here.
For some R-O-R inspiration, relive last year’s fun in this video.