It looks as if they do take a rest now and then. Becky Consonni caught this hummingbird napping, or resting, today. Here are more photos of a hummingbird taking it easy. Clip or tap to enlarge; repeat, to...
Today Becky Consonni was in her car on Hyde Road with her camera by her side. She describes what happened next: “I looked over in the clouds and there was the eagle! It was soaring high above Hyde Road on the other side of Jefferson. I drove over there and...
In response to our recent stories about sightings of the Clark Lake eagle, Judi Blackmur posed the question “Any idea what this eagle will do/eat during the winter months?” John Deming responds: “Eagles eat mostly fish, an occasional duck and...
Photos and text by Diane Deming (Some photos are at full screen–scroll down to continue reading the entire story. Click or tap any photo to enlarge; repeat, to reduce) Those of us who feed hummingbirds throughout the spring and summer often wonder when we...
It’s unusual this late in the season. This mother duck just hatched 9. Check out the photos from today. Click or tap to enlarge; to reduce, repeat. Nine ducklings hiding under mom Time to move-out Keep...
Ron and Beth June tell of the most recent eagle sighting: At 2:40PM on August 18th, we saw the eagle circling over Mud Point…getting closer and closer to the water…..then down to the water, it snatched a fish in its claws and flew away over the trees....
John Deming reports he saw “an eagle fly over the house and circle over the water in front” this evening. He describes it as a “mature bird with white tail and head. Just as soon as it was here, it was gone.” He suspect boat traffic on the...
John Stewart caught this magnificent predator in action along Eagle Point. John says the “eagle landed in the tree along Eagle Point [Wednesday] night with a bluegill.” John was able to capture the moment as the eagle flew off to the west where it landed...
Natural Encounters has several comments on turtles, or lack of them, at Clark Lake. The latest is from John Deming (view others by scrolling down). I suspect all of our turtle population is going into significant decline as a result of our continued attempt to make...
We have only seen one small snapping turtle this year near Oakwood Park. Folks that like to stir up the seaweed in shallow waters with their wave runners don’t realize they may be running over the turtles! -Becky Consonni Comment from Beth Noe June: Sadly, a rather...
Diane and John Deming have been watching barred owl family near their Clark Lake home. The story, told by Diane Deming, starts on a sad note– Unfortunately the baby owl was electrocuted on our neighbor’s power line on June 7th. This is the second time...
Have you noticed the three-family geese flock floating around the lake? We sure did one morning. They were all sleeping on our front yard. What a mess they left!! Unfortunately my dog thinks this is a real treat, so we make sure to clean the area before she runs in...