The Clark Lake Community is an important part of my life. The Reed family has been part of this community for over 150 years. The first postmaster at Clark’s Lake (still spelled that way on some Michigan maps) was Great Uncle Jay D. Reed who was also one of the...
Wondering what life was like in the forties on the Clark Lake Shore? Lend an ear and I’ll tell you more. Eagle Point Hotel was the resort of the summer. Glorious southern hospitality ever-present with Virginia Every, who, with her charming southern smile, made...
Any of us who have spent summers at the lake know how storms can come up quickly. Before you could track radar on your iPad, we had no early warning of impending turbulence. So I have at least one storm story that I won’t ever forget. As girls a neighbor, Ellen...
Anyone who has spent summers at Clark Lake while growing up knows what that means. You have fun, make friends and create a lifetime of memories. One summer in the early 1960s, Charlie Timberlake and I became buddies. His family had a nearby cottage, a few closer to...
Here are a few of my favorite Clark Lake memories: Rollo Every’s Eagle Point, the Ball Diamond, the Old Hotel and the Roller Rink, the Eagle’s Nest, Clark Lake Players, the Water Slide and the Drop Off. Watermelon at Every’s house, the measuring wall and dress up...
All “Clark Lakers” have their favorite memories, thoughts, people and moments about Clark Lake. Reflecting on a few of mine, it was harder than I imagined. Not for a lack of ideas, but rather, how to select just a few. Here are some that come to mind. Putting the...