The Clarklake Lions Clubs purpose is to encourage service-minded people to serve this community without personal financial reward. The Club participates in Lions Clubs International efforts that strive to rid the world of preventable and reversible blindness. You have probably seen a Clarklake Lion at a local establishment during the annual “White Cane” drive to raise money to support Lions International programs. Thank you for giving. The Clarklake Lions also use contributed funds to provide glasses and eye examinations to those in the community who need assistance.
The Lions motto; “We Serve” is highlighted by the sports park located within the Clarklake Lions Club Park at the west end of Clark Lake. The Club built and maintains the soccer and ball fields and is used by local youth sports programs. Clarklake Lions also sponsor and organize the annual Clark Lake Memorial Day parade to commemorate those who have given their lives to defend our country.
Clarklake Lions Club
100 Lions Lane
PO Box 193
Clark Lake, MI 49234
(517) 529-4979
Annual Events
Lions Cash Bash, Saturday, April 27, 2023, 6 pm, Brooklyn American Legion
Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, March 30, 2024 2 pm, Lions Clark Lake Clubhouse – for children
White Cane, Friday and Saturday
Memorial Day Parade, Monday, May 27, 2024, 8:30 am, Hyde Road (parade participants meet at the schoolhouse on North Lake Rd at 7:30 am)
BBQ & Raft-O-Rama, Sunday, August 4, 2024, Eagle Point
President – Walt Shuberg
1st VP – Mike Bulinger
Treasurer – Jeannie Hitchcock
Secretary – Sandy Simon
Director (Membership) – Walt Reed
Director (Punt, Pass & Kick) – Tom Russell
Director (Lions Park Maintenance) – Chris Grajek
Director (Past President) – Todd Kennedy
Eyesight Program – Wayne Krantz
Lion Tamer – Yvonne Trumbull
Clarklake Lions Club History
Founded in 1965, by twenty-one Clark Lake community leaders, the Clarklake Lions continues to be a small club inside of an International Organization of 1.4 million members in 206 countries and geographic areas.
The original 21 members of the Clarklake Lions met at the Clarklake Community Church for many years. In 1985 the club was able to purchase approximately 40 acres behind the church on the west end of the lake. That purchase is now “Lions Park” and includes the Clarklake Lions clubhouse and soccer and baseball fields.
The Lions Club has been an integral part of Clark Lake’s history over the past 50 years.
About Lions Clubs International
Lions Clubs started in 1917 as an expansion of a local club, “The Business Circle of Chicago.” It Lions Club International when a club was started in Canada three years later. Lions celebrated 100 years of service in 2017.
Perhaps the single event having the greatest impact on the associations service commitment occurred in 1925 when Helen Keller addressed the Lions at their international convention in Sandusky, Ohio. It was there that she challenged Lions to become the “Knights of the Blind in the crusade against darkness”.
Since her challenge Lions have volunteered millions of hours and dollars to local and international efforts to preserve and restore the sight of people everywhere.
Lions Clubs International is the largest service club organization in the world. Where there’s a need, there’s a Lion. We have more than 1.4 million members in more than 46,000 clubs worldwide.
In 1939, The Detroit-area Lions Clubs founded Leader Dogs for the Blind. Each year, about 270 clients with vision needs attend the 26-day training program in Rochester, MI to learn to work with their trained service dog. Costs are completely covered by Leader Dogs for the Blind.
In 1945 Lions International helped the United Nations form the Non-Governmental Organizations sections of the world organization. Lions Clubs International continues to hold consultant status with the UN.