by Rick Belcher Paintings have their own history, even if they stubbornly refuse to reveal it. This is another story that starts with someone painting his or her vision of Clark Lake. The painting’s origin and its story before I came in...
by Bill Leutz As happens from time to time, I was recently discussing the history of Clark’s Lake with a friend, and got to reminiscing of the traditions that used to define our summer stays at the lake. For my family, those early traditions were associated with Eagle...
Through the decades, Clark Lake has had many adoring fans. Some showed their love of the lake by painting it. To follow the pedigree of one of these paintings, you will need to know its backstory. Flip and Linda Reynolds have a long history at Clark...
In Clark Lake’s storied history, there is a short, but grand, episode—and it originated in Pennsylvania. This is the story of Chauncey York and Clark Lake’s Ma-Le-Na Park. by Bill Leutz Born in New York City in 1850, Chauncey F. York graduated from...
by Bill Leutz –In this article, I have chosen to use the name “Clark’s” Lake because that was how the lake was named in all pertinent documents during the period under investigation, as well as being the name I knew it by in the late 1940’s. The...
Growing up most people read Mark Twain’s tale of Huckleberry Finn on the Mississippi River. For some, the story continued to inspire long after school days. It was 1996, and a group of intrepid Clark Lakers had become driven by an idea–to relive...
You may know that Clark Lake invented the first motorized raft, now mistakenly known elsewhere as “pontoon boats.” You may also know of all inland lakes in the U.S., Clark Lake had the largest Hobie fleet and more Dori banners flying than anywhere...
Through the years, many at Clark Lake have speculated about the origin of the dam on Ocean Beach Road. And no wonder. Not only is the dam a Clark Lake icon, but it performs the important function of keeping the lake level where it is. Because of the Dam...
The historic house, known as the Hitt farm on North Lake Road, is well over 100 years old and on the United States Department of Interior’s list of Historical places. Today, the Hitt farm is still owned by the family and serves as a private vacation...
What motivates people to sail? After all, sailing involves considerably more than a trip to the store. You have to acquire and maintain the boat, and then, learn how to use it. It has no steering wheel or accelerator. And the sport must...
Histories of Clark Lake typically include iconic locations like Eagle Point, Ocean Beach and Pleasant View. The west end, or head-of-the-lake, has always been important to the lake. And it, too, is fondly remembered. In 1947 Norma Gallaway (Lee) wrote a term paper...
Telephone service at Clark Lake and in our world has changed in huge ways. There was a palpable reminder of this when this telephone booth showed up recently at Clark Lake Classics, next to the Post Office, on Hyde Road. This piece of history still has a phone in it...