Do you miss getting your luminaries today (Sat 6/22)? Krissy Hull will be at Mugsy’s tomorrow (Sun 6/23) between 10 am to 1 pm. Just stop by, say hi to Krissy, give her the $15 donation, and she’ll get you set up to join the many others at Clark Lake who will light and display luminaries along their shorelines on Thursday, July 4th. In this photo from earlier today, this Clark Laker bought three.
Each tote contains ten luminaries. The bottom of each luminary sack is filled with sand for stability. On top of the sand is a small candle. Lighting it at dusk on July 4th will illuminate the Clark Lake shorelines with a magical glow. That gentle flame usually glows into the overnight.
Raft-O-Rama assembles the luminaries and distributes them. Today, some of the crew were going to door-to-door, offering them to those at home. Dotty and John Karkheck are pictured here, earlier today, on North Shore.
The Big Clark Lake Weekend is August 3rd and 4th. It starts with Run Clark Lake on Saturday morning followed by Freedom Fireworks that evening. Then on Sunday, it’s Raft-O-Rama. This year’s theme is Sports. Stay tuned!
I got two today! Thank you for being at Muggsy’s!