The EPA reports that Savoy Energy has withdrawn its permit application for the proposed brine injection well near Clark Lake (see text of EPA notice below). Columbia Township Trustee Flip Reynolds comments “Thank you Clark Lakers and the Township for writing letters in opposition to Savoy Energy Brine Well.”
You can track this story by clicking a recent update here. Click here for the original story.

Here’s the text of the email received from the EPA from Stephen M. Jann, Chief, Underground Injection Control Branch:
As of September 20, 2016, Savoy Energy has withdrawn its permit application for the proposed Moore #3-14 well, Underground Injection Control draft permit #MI-017-2D-0014. Therefore, the draft permit is no longer under consideration by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). EPA will take no further action regarding this draft permit and will not hold a public hearing or respond further to comments collected during the comment period. Should the company propose the well again, it must submit a new application to EPA, which would undergo review and public notice.
If you have questions, please contact Janette E. Hansen, of my staff, at (312) 886-0241 or<>.