Ten new plaques from the class of 2023 are now firmly mounted on the Welcome to Clark Lake Sign. Each year a new class joins this group of Clark Lake family and friends. It also honors the memories of those who loved Clark Lake during their time here. Watch this video to see how the bronze plaques become a permanent part of the Clark Lake story.
Here’s an up to date photo of those who are standing up for Clark Lake.
For easier viewing, here’s the west section.
A close up of the east section.
To download a pdf of all names, please click here.
To download a pdf of the west section, please click here.
To download a pdf of the east section, please click here.
Donations for the plaques help support the Spirit Trail – $1000 for individual or family plaques, and the $2500 for corporate plaques. At the very top are Tom Collins words “If common cause is needed as a focal point around which to rally, let us build a PATH.” Clark Lake responded, and the Spirit Trail was built. As well as “a point around which to rally,” it also united neighborhoods. Before the Spirit Trail, circumventing the lake by land was not easy. Now those neighborhoods flow one to another. Cyclists, runners, and walkers enjoy Clark Lake as the Trail takes them through those neighborhoods, the Magic Forest, to open vistas of the lake, and by notable landmarks like the dam and Community Center. A major advantage of this non-motorized path is avoiding Jefferson Road.
Over the years, volunteers have maintained, improved and expanded the Spirit Trail. Certain projects have incurred third party expenses. Recent examples include repaving the former railroad bed parallel to Hyde Road and through the County Park. The integrity of the path through the Magic Forest was improved. The area adjacent to the Post Office was reengineered and rebuilt. A new concrete section was constructed between Rita and Grand Boulevard. That section proved to be a great location for the Welcome to Clark Lake Sign.
The Welcome to Clark Lake Sign does more than recognize donors. It telegraphs to future generations those who support Clark Lake today. It also enables Clark Lakers to leave a permanent mark on this enchanted place.
The inspired design of the Sign was crafted under the direction of Annette Fink. In this video, recorded as the Sign was being constructed, Annette talks about the creative process.
To sign up for the next class, contact ClarkLakeSpirit@gmail.com or Tucker Boyers at 206-2986.
I absolutely love this sign. Who do I give me check to?