By now you may have received a mailing from PLM, titled Notice 2020. PLM is the company that is on the front line of ridding invasive species from Clark Lake. The notice outlines possible treatments that will take place this season. The good news is that last year’s full-lake plan significantly reduced the presence of hybrid Eurasian water milfoil or HEWM. Other lakes found that leaving HEWM infestations unchecked clogged their waters-–reducing boating, destroying wildlife habitat and diminishing property values.
PLM has already collected water quality samples this spring and will be out to survey in the next couple of weeks. PLM’s expects to see HEWM recover in the County Park area and plans to thwart its reemergence with ProcellaCOR. They will also be looking for starry stonewort, which is an algae. It was found last season at the County Park and at the Eagle Point Marina boat launch. Regarding starry stonewort, PLM’s Steve Hanson comments that due to cold temperatures, “we haven’t seen much growth in lakes as of yet.” Starry stonewort poses a threat, and seems to act differently depending on where it is found.
Columbia Township trustees voted this spring to continue PLM’s fight against Clark Lake’s invasive weeds. As before, the cost is covered by the Special Assessment District (SAD) created to deal with it. A large majority of lakefront property owners signed a petition asking that the SAD be created, and the Township now manages it.
When treatments take place, PLM posts notices along the shorelines of the affected areas.
Photo from last year’s full lake treatment
To review PLM’s mailing, please click here.
An entire section of the website is devoted to Clark Lake’s battle with invasive weeds. You can find it by clicking here.
Looks like “GOHSTBUSTERS” on water.