Today’s Good Guy Award goes to Alex Phenicie. Why? Occasionally the view from the DamCam is obstructed when the remains of insects collect on its lens. Alex, an electrician for A Plus Electric, volunteered to climb the DamCam pole, yesterday. With a bottle of Windex, he cleared the smear. In the photo below, he’s on his cell, checking to make certain the job was complete.
Alex is not alone. When it comes to caring for this community, the people of Clark Lake are simply the best. The Spirit Trail is a perfect example. The Trail enables walkers, runners and cyclists to navigate the circumference of the lake, traveling through the Magic Forest and traditional lake neighborhoods. Along the way, scenery morphs from rural and to the blue waters of the lake itself. The Trail also keeps users segregated from the 55 mph traffic on Jefferson Road. Leaves, limbs and other debris sometimes find their way onto the path, only to disappear. Sometimes it becomes known who does the good deed, such as the during spring cleanup; other times, it remains a mystery. That also applies to trimming foliage and manicuring gardens. It’s known that groups like the Garden Angels contribute mightily to this effort in the area around the Community Center and Triangle. The crews of Mike McKay and John Collins look after the newly landscaped area around the dam. Lynn VanWagnen cares for the Hyde Road triangle. The Spirit Trail committee is active year around in ways that are visible, and not so visible. But whether acknowledged publicly or not, the caring for Clark Lake continues and keeps our own slice of paradise looking great. What’s the motivation? It’s the value all of us share–loving Clark Lake.
It’s because of the love of Clark Lake that people want to check in no matter where they are. The DamCam delivers views of the lake 24/7 to anywhere in the world. The typical live video view spotlights the dam itself. Viewers can see how much water is going over it or watch the wildlife (human or otherwise), as above.
The new DamCam has tremendous range. In this screenshot of Eagle Point, viewers can see beyond it to Hyde Road and some of the houses located there.
This view shows the Beach and Boat Club docks and a portion of the Kentucky Point Cove.
Kentucky Point and and part of its cove.
This view shows the Eagle Point Cove.
It would be difficult, if not impossible, to name all who make Clark Lake what it is. What is easy to observe is this. There’s tremendous widespread support for our lake, whether it be through the informal actions of individuals who pick up debris or trim foliage, or through the hard work of organizations like the Clark Lake Spirit Foundation (publisher of this website and supporter of Dam Strong), Spirit Trail, Raft-O-Rama, Community Center, Garden Angels, Yacht Club, Beach and Boat Club, or the community-minded businesses around the lake.