trail concrete in placeThere has been lots of progress on the extension of the Clark Lake Spirit Trail that follows the curve on North Lake Road between Rita and Grand Blvd.  All concrete has been poured and has been manicured to its final form.  Additionally, a culvert was required for drainage and that is now in place.  Bill Bendele, whose construction company is performing the work, says that the tasks still ahead include shaping the ground around the new section of the trail, laying grass seed and covering the plantings with straw.  He also indicates that he’s looking to install some final touches to enhance eye appeal.

The Clark Lake Spirit Trail committee initiated the construction so users can be farther away from traffic on that section of North Lake.   Tucker Boyers has managed the project.  Ann Swain indicates that the Spirit Trail, including the new section, is financed through donations.

culvert on trail

This culvert is required for drainage. It’s located at the west end (Grand Blvd) end of the extension that connects to Grand Blvd.
