A true harbinger of spring is about to happen—the annual spring clean up of the Clark Lake Spirit Trail.  The long, cold winter leaves behind its debris, and now is the time to banish its leftovers.

Can you help?  Meet Dan Omo at the County Park this Saturday (March 20) at 9 am with your rake and other appropriate supplies. If you have an edger, you’re help is needed on the Jefferson Road section.  Please check with Dan. He will have a list of the areas needing attention. 

At Clark Lake, volunteers regularly help out throughout the year without being asked.  If you live along the trail and notice a need, you can be among the many who pitch in and be part of the Clark Lake Spirit.

It’s important to recognize the Clark Lake Spirit Trail is entirely home grown.  The construction, improvements and maintenance are all about Clark Lakers making the most of our piece of paradise.  In line with this, you might be interested in reading Dick and Ruth Ann Cochran’s My Clark Lake Story.  You’ll meet up with some familiar faces and learn historical facts about the Trail that may be new to you.  Click here to check it out.



