For the third time, the annual Clark Lake Spirit Trail cleanup has been postponed because of a soggy forecast. With forecasts calling for a 100% chance of rain tomorrow morning, the committee is postponing again.  But when that dry forecast does occur, the Spirit Trial is looking for help from people like you. Please keep an eye on this website for updates.

In addition to the spring clean up, volunteers are also active throughout the year watching for and repairing path wash-outs, trimming low hanging branches, and mowing.  From time to time, there are major infrastructure repairs such as the complete overhaul of the section next to the post office at the west end. Seasonal freezes and thaws plus some vehicle traffic had caused significant deterioration.  The pavement was found not to be a firm foundation, but turned spongy with runoff.  Through monetary donations to the Spirit Trail this section was completely repaired and upgraded.

Drains being installed

Another example of a major project was the extension between Rita and Grand Boulevard.  This new section allowed cyclists, walkers and runners to avoid traffic along the North Lake curve. Donations to the Spirit Trail can be made through the Clark Lake Spirit  Foundation, a 501c3.  They can be mailed to PO Box 224, Clarklake, MI 49234 or made via credit card through this website.

The Trail committee met recently to work on plans for the coming year that includes repainting barrier poles, erecting additional guidance signage, placement of benches, and general maintenance. Tucker Boyers was elected co-chair and will share leadership duties with Ann Swain.

l to r: Rick Belcher, Bob Lajdziak, Tucker Boyers, Peggy Collins, Pat Dwyer, Don Fowler, Dan Omo, Kristy Allen. Not pictured: Ann Swain

The Trail circles the lake, about 7.3 miles. It provides a path for runners, walkers, and cyclists to enjoy multiple views of the lake, neighborhoods and nature.  And it does so on a variety of surfaces.

The Clark Lake Spirit Trail would not exist without volunteers.  It’s people like you who donate their time and money to keep it looking great.
