The following is from a press release from the governor’s office.
The governor has extended her stay at home order through May 15.
The order will require people to wear homemade, non-medical grade face coverings when they enter enclosed public spaces. It will also require employers to provide at least cloth face coverings to their employees. People won’t have to wear face coverings when they’re taking a walk in the neighborhood, but when they go to the grocery store, they should be wearing one. Under the order, however, no one will be subject to criminal penalty for going without a mask.
Landscapers, lawn-service companies, and nurseries can return to work, subject to strict social distancing. Retailers to that do not sell necessary supplies may reopen for curbside pick-up and for delivery. Big box stores can reopen “closed areas,” like garden centers. And bike repair and maintenance can come back online.
The new order allows motorized boating and golf (but no golf carts), consistent with sound social distancing. It will also permit individuals to travel between their residences, though strongly discouraged. And it will clarify that state parks remain open, as they have been throughout the emergency.
To read the entire order, please click here.
What about dock installation? I’m hoping that is covered under section 10c as part of lawn service or landscaping. Also, delivery of a boat stored at a marina may be covered under 10e. What do others think?
I agree with CJs comments above on 10c & e.
I feel it is a fair & honest conclusion after reading the bylaws.
The good news seems to be that local law enforcement folks seem to be using “common sense” when enforcing some of the “non-sense” interpretations that the Governor seems to prefer.
Somebody needs to tell Dominick no golf carts because they’re out today.