Condition of roads in the area has come under some scrutiny. Pavement in some areas is rough, and some roads are not paved at all. An informal ad hoc committee has formed to discuss what can be done.
Included in the discussion are the County roads within Columbia Township and within the Lake Columbia Property Owners Association. Columbia Township Supervisor Barry Marsh and County Road Commission Project Manager Jim Cole are a couple of the people involved. The group is seeking the participation of residents, and to get their input.
The group says this “is an opportunity for the committee to provide accurate information and potential options as to what it will take to address this issue in our community.” Residents are invited to gather for an informational meeting at the Columbia High School auditorium on Wednesday, June 29 at 7 pm. The intent is to “keep the meeting informative, concise, and include a limited Q & A so as to ensure brevity…”.
To read the entire invitation, please click here.
Please repair the roads around Clarklake. I live on N.Shore and they are terrible.
There is very little scientific evidence but lots of rumors that potholes are caused by people throwing their joint remains out of their car windows onto the roads around Clark Lake, I saw a few pictures of the ladies that attended the last event at the nest that might be guilty 🙂
N Shore Dr has sooo many large potholes. It’s part of the spirit trail and it’s not safe for bikes, runners, golf carts, let alone cars. Need potholes filled before the Clarklake Run.
Rita Dr is in terrible condition. So many potholes and payment erosion. It is part of the Spirit Trail and is dangerous for all users.
The roads are crumbling around the entire lake. It really doesn’t matter if you live on Oakwood, Woodland, North Shore, Ocean Beach or
Hyde etc. hopefully most understand the issue.
Thanks for starting the conversation..
I encourage everyone to call the Jackson Road Commision 517-788- 4230 and complain. The roads around Clark Lake are just awful and dangerous for bikers and walkers, not to mention are poor automobiles !
I’ve called on 5-31-22 and 6-10-22 and lodged my complaint and plan to call every week until the roads are fixed!
Hope to see you all on 6-29-22 !
We live at 7826 N. Shore Dr. At Clarklake which is part of the Spirit Trail. We are on a down hill curve that has pot holes and part of the road completely gone and many bikes have wiped out and it is hard to walk in many areas. Please fix the road.