“A man with one watch always knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure.” Segal’s Law refers to having too much conflicting information when making a decision. Of course, the problem of two watches being out of sync is solved if both are connected to the internet. Not so with rain gauges.
Your reporter was well aware how placement of a rain gauge could yield significantly different results. The process of placing a measuring device was critical – it should face open sky, minimize influence of trees or structures, and be protected from strong winds coming across the lake. That was done. The next question had to do with the measuring device itself. Rain gauges come in different sizes and shapes. Could locating three different types close to each other produce the same results?
Tuesday’s downpour offered a perfect test. In about a half-hour, a lot of rain fell at Clark Lake. How much is a lot? The La Crosse collector measured 1.25 inches. The new (expensive) Ambient Weather contraption, indicated 0.82 inches. The small tube said 1 inch. Which one was correct? A solution might be to average the results. That comes out to 1.02 inches. Or the solution might be to pay attention to Segal’s Law. Trash two of them!
The season is changing and so are activities.
Sailboat Races
The final Sunday Clark Lake Yacht Club sailboat race took place on Sunday, August 25th. The Thursday evening Hobie races end on September 12th. The race course on Sunday included the west end of the lake.
The Yacht Club’s Fall Regatta takes play September 14-15th. To review last year’s results click here.
Spirit Trail
The Spirit Trail committee met Tuesday at the Community Center to discuss maintenance, repair and engineering. n this photo, Tucker Boyers displays a plaque with names of Spirit Trail donors. This replaces a plaque that deteriorated. As with the original, it will be mounted on the reverse side of the Tom Collins marker at the trail head in the County Park.
Saturday Yoga, held all summer at the Brokerage House building at Hyde and Jefferson, ends August 31st. The finale includes a Closet Sale. All proceeds will be donated to Aware.
Scary Stuff
What’s ahead? Halloween at Clark Lake will be truly spooky. Stay tuned for details.
Our rain gauge measured 1”
That 1 inch of rain added 15,749,320 gallons of water to the lake. I think this is the highest level I’ve seen the lake at this time of year.