Corey Hart’s sunglasses are off. You can now see the DamCam in color at night! Previously the camera switched to monochrome when light levels lessened. The reason for this is that a black and white view enhances the ability of the camera to see whatever may be out there at night. Thanks to the Beach Bar, the area around the dam at Ocean Beach is illuminated. This allows the camera to see in color and now you can see it, too. Check it out tonight!
Also, the camera was recently adjusted to provide an expanded view of the east end of the lake.
The photo below is a screenshot from this morning (Sunday 11/22).
The DamCam is a feature of this website. It provides a 24/7 live view of the dam at Ocean Beach and can be viewed anywhere in the world that there is an Internet connection.
Both the website and the DamCam are among the projects of the Clark Lake Spirit Foundation. A donation to the Foundation, a non-profit, supports the DamCam and this website as well as other activities like initiating the fight against hybrid Eurasian water milfoil. To read about the Foundation’s activities, click here.
Members of the Foundation are not compensated.