It rained last night at Clark Lake. Breaking news? Perhaps not. But the details are interesting, since water level is a definite factor in life at the lake.
John and Diane Deming’s rain gauge, east end, south side, showed about 2 1/2 inches fell last night. They empty their gauge at the end of the month. So, the four inches you’re seeing represents all the rain in July, minus what’s lost to evaporation.
Beth June’s rain gauge, west end, Eagle Point shoreline, came in at 3 inches. Beth empties after every rain fall. Her previous reading of 3/8 inches occurred on Wednesday.
But wait, there’s more.
What effect does 2 1/2 inches of rain amount to over the lake surface? John Deming did the math: “An inch of rain falling on an acre results in 27,154 gallons of water. Our lake is estimated to be 580 acres. The total? 39,373,300 gallons.” And the actual number could be higher as runoff contributes to the level of the lake.
What constitutes “normal” rainfall in the general area? This chart combines precipitation with high and low temperatures.
One of the interests in the dam is the amount of, or lack of, water falling over it. As you can see, a healthy overflow is headed into Goose Creek.
Lake level varies more than most people realize. Compare this photo from 1953 to the current day photo below, both at the same location.
Wondering who the kids are in the 1953 picture? You may know them. Click here for more on lake level, the dam, and these kids.