Flower Power, Little Miss Sunshine, Scooby Doo, or the grandfather of a trend still going strong? Perhaps all four. This 1979 beauty belongs to Frank Slaby on North Shore, Clark Lake. Wow!
Here’s the latest Around the Lake feature:
In our country’s early days, Conestoga wagons carried families and all their belongings westward. As the auto industry developed, along came refinements that enabled the carrying not only passengers but cargo, like station wagons. In the 1950s, the Germans took a step further with a new solution and along came the VW Microbus. It turns out that the Microbus (VW “T” platform or Transporter) was the progenitor of a category of autos that multiplied quickly—the family van. In the 1960s, the domestic auto industry competed with the Microbus by bringing us the Ford Econoline, Dodge A100, and Chevrolet Corvair 95 Corvan. Later a flood of new and improved models came to dominate every parking lot.
The pictured vehicle is proudly owned by Frank Slaby. It will brighten your North Shore drive whenever Frank has it parked there.