The Clark Lake Spirit Trail is the venue for exciting competitive runs, and also an everyday favorite for cyclists, walkers and runners.  Today (Saturday, 6/4/16) 5th and 6th graders from Columbia Upper Elementary School competed on the Trail.  A group of parents and well-wishers watched the Soul2Sole 5K run, an annual Spirit Trail event.

The eleven earnest competitors lined up at the Trail Head at the County Park at 8:30 am, ran south on Ocean Beach Road, right onto Lakeview East to the Magic Forest section of the Trail, and back to finish at the County Park.


All participants earned a medal.  The fastest times came from Robbie Bethel (1st), Bailey Surque (2nd) and Kate O’Neil (3rd).  The other medal winners were (in alphabetical order) Becca Baker, Caleb Castaneda, Christian Castaneda, Natalie Lutz, Madeline Maki, Xander Olney, Hudson Siemon and William Thompson.

winners 2016 06-04 s2s

Below are the kids in action as they approach the finish line.  To view, click on the first photo to enlarge.  Then move your mouse to the right edge, find the arrow, and click on it to advance to the next photo.

Christi O’Neil, the school principal, ran with the kids.  She can be seen, on the left, in the group below.


Before the competition began, the group gathers for the traditional photo on the steps of the Clark Lake Community Center.


It takes a crew to put on an event like this.  Two of them are pictured below as they return from their outpost along the Trail.

