Peggy Collins is holding a valuable piece of Clark Lake memorabilia, on loan from the Beach Bar treasure chest of such items.
Hours ago, the preliminary Hobie Boat number was revealed in a sneak preview of the 2014 Boat Count. That Hobie Cat number is now revised upward to 38. That’s 14 more than the 2013 count showed (24). The jump in the number of Hobie Cats is in concert with the Fleet 58 Reunion and Regatta, scheduled for 10:30 am tomorrow at Clark Lake. Full details on the event can be found on this website’s main page. The buzz at the lake suggests that there will be a strong turnout for the event–for participants, spectators and those attending the Caribbean Buffet at the Pointe Bar and Grill.
The compilation of data from yesterday’s boat count should be completed and posted on this website by next week. The count took place starting at 6 am, July 4th. The time and date is by design. The early hour ensures that the vast majority of boats will be at their docks and not out on the lake. The July 4th presumes that any boats going in the lake are out of storage and ready for use at shorelines or docks. The boat count has been under the command of Bill Tuttle since Bowser Eagy’s passing in the mid 1980’s. Bowser started the boat count in 1959.