preparing the round

Officials and players prepare for a new race

The Great American Crab Races pass into the record books for another year.  And with it, lots of fun memories.

Every year the races attract not only Clark Lakers, but people from all over the area to the cauldron of Clark Lake crab activity–the Beach Bar. The event started Sunday afternoon with races for kids.  Then Sunday evening the adults got to play.  The challenges continued Monday and Tuesday evening–with finals Tuesday evening.

Winners in the finals:  1st Richard Bauer with “Yellow Jacket”, 2nd Adam Salladay with “Herb”, and 3rd Phil Herzberg with “Marial”.  And now those vouchers for places like the Bahamas, Las Vegas or Chicago are in the hands of the winners.

Proceeds for the Crab Races go to fund non-profits, including the Clark Lake Spirit Trail.

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If you’d like one of the cool Great American Crab Race t-shirts, you may be in luck if you hurry to Doyles.  They will have a limited supply.

crab sign
