Once again the Raft-O-Rama committee is making Clark Lake look as good as it is. They have just introduced their new line of goodies, all with the name of our favorite place on the items–towels, hats, koozies, calendars and more.

hatsProceeds from the items support the efforts of Raft-O-Rama.  You can purchase them at Doyles on Hyde Road and on Sunday, August 2nd (day of the event) at Eagle Point.

Tricia Boyers displays the Clark Lake towels, that include the latitude and longitude in case you ever lose your way.

And the towels come in designer colors!

FullSizeRender (14)Hats off to the whole committee for the hard work and dedication, but especially to Dotty Karkheck for acquiring and design of merchandise.

Below is the 2016 Raft-O-Rama calendar, the work of Karen Menard.

ROR Calendar 2016Photographers include Jade Romanowski Beard, David Beard, Mike Hendges, Kelly Petitto, Kelly Marie Lyke, Kathy Jenks Hendges, Lindsay Mercer and Rick Belcher.  The cover photo is from this website.

The price list.

Price list
