As promised, Freedom Fireworks filled Clark Lake skies Saturday night.  The display did not lack superlatives.  Impressive only begins to describe it.  The light shone brightly against the night sky and the sound thundered to every cove and shore.   

Freedom Fireworks is the inspiration of Ralph Mahalak Jr., his family, and friends.  Scroll down for the thank-you’s.

Cameras capture a limited sense of the event.  The intricate designs, the intensity of the colors, and the size of the images across the darkness must be experienced in person to be appreciated fully.  These photos hint at the experience. 

The photos above were taken from the Eagle Point shoreline, west end.  Below are Diane Deming’s photos taken from the south shore, east end.  Notice the intricate detail.  It’s amazing to think these formations were created as the result of an explosion. 


Clark Lakers stepped up to put on Freedom Fireworks.  Thank you to those who made it happen.

Ralph Jr & Joan Mahalak
Mike & Janine Mahalak
JP & Joanie Mahalak
Gary & Teri Schultz
Danny Vuich Jr. 
Stephanie Sconochia
Sue Wiemer
Bruce & Linda Seeger
Tim Zacharias
Sam & Lindsey Jones
Richard & Sarah Boonstra
Dee & Jack Jackson
Laurie & Bob  Lazebnik
Mike & Teresa Mckay
Terry & Cathy Scott
Kevin & Lucia Thomson
John & Dotty Karkheck
Patrick & Kimberly Guentner
Marty & Kirk Mercer

In this video, view the finale.  You can hear the shouts of appreciation from those on the lake and on shore.


