This evening’s Fleet 58 race is special. Why? The race will honor former Fleet 58 Commodore Lynn Vermeulen, who passed away on September 5th, his 80th birthday. Current Fleet 58 Commodore Chance Winnie says the windward marker will be set near Lynn’s Clark Lake home.
If the wind cooperates, the race will extend to the west end of the lake, as well. Fleet 58 has raced on Thursday evenings throughout the summer. This is the final Fleet 58 Thursday encounter for this season. Here’s the schedule:
5:15 pm – skippers meeting at the Clark Lake Yacht Club
5:30 pm – 30 minute warning horn
6:00 pm – start of first race
Second race will follow the finish of the first race.
Photo below is from the Sunday race on August 25th.

2nd Place, 18-ft–Lynn, Maggie Vermeulen – Fleet 58 Reunion & Regatta in 2014
Clark Lake’s Fleet 58 was the largest of any inland lake in the United Starts during Lynn Vermeulen’s tenure as commodore. Clark Lakers are memorializing Lynn in other ways. Lynn was a national water ski champion, and played a leading role at Clark Lake. Six Clark Lake skiers have been inducted into the Michigan Water Ski Hall of Fame.
A Celebration of Life will be held for Lynn on September 18th (click here for details). Leading up to that Clark Lakers are giving Lynn a skiers salute.
What’s next? The Clark Lake Yacht Club’s Fall Regatta takes place this weekend. The first race on Saturday begins at 12:45 pm. The first race on Sunday starts at 10 am. To review last year’s Regatta, please click here.
Thank you and what an honor!