Photo from Becky Burdick Consonni of their boat in Fleet 58. Do you have a photo? Email to clarklakespirit@gmail.com. Thanks!
Fleet 58 returns! Plan to be part of the Fleet 58 Regatta Reunion on Sunday, July 6th.
The event, scheduled for a 10:30 am start, celebrates a Clark Lake historical first. Out of all the Hobie fleets in the US, Clark Lake had the most Hobies, making our lake’s Fleet number one in the nation. And the impressions and memories created in the many races that took place here are still very much alive.
Hobie sailors will be invited to enter the race with the 18-foot class start at 10:30 am; and the 16 foot class, at 10:45 am. Trophies will be awarded. The $30 entry fee (35$ day of the race) will include a Caribbean style buffet lunch, currently scheduled at noon, at the Pointe Waterfront Deck.
The Clark Lake Spirit Foundation is sponsoring the event along with Clark Lake Yacht Club, and the Pointe Bar and Grill. The Yacht Club experts have graciously agreed to provide the officials and other individuals necessary to operate the race. Their expertise will truly enhance the entire Regatta experience. And the event, as well as lunch and ceremonies, will be centered around the Pointe Bar and Grill on Eagle Point.
This one-day return of Fleet 58 to the lake will also mark the return of lots of Fleet 58 lore. It will draw out several highly interesting and entertainingstories that should prove enjoyable to many. Look for them here–as well details, as they develop.