by Rick Belcher

Lynne Morea, and her husband, Dan, live on Eagle Point.  Over the last two years, Lynne has taken up painting watercolors–in a big way.  Since January, 2021, she is 65 works into a 100 day challenge in which she paints one to three a day.  “It’s my way of dealing with what we’re going through this year,” Lynne says.  Along the way, I asked her if she could replicate a watercolor of mine destroyed 45 years ago.  “No problem,” she said.  Here’s the back story.  

At a Clark Lake garage sale in the early 1960s, someone in my family rescued this watercolor that I’m holding.  I felt an immediate connection.  At the end of the summer, I brought it home and hung it on my bedroom wall.  During Toledo’s cold winter months, it was a warm and friendly reminder of what was ahead when summer finally arrived. It also delivered tantalizing clues of Clark Lake’s history occurring long before I was born. Eventually I returned the painting to our Eagle Point cottage.  In March 1976, fire destroyed the cottage and most of its contents, including the painting.

But I had this photo.

Working from the photo, Lynne quickly replicated the original.  Below, she’s holding it in front of their Eagle Point condo.  Ironically, the old hotel in the painting once stood not far from this spot.  

Here’s a close up.

To read more about the original watercolor and its story, please click here

To say that Lynne Morea’s work accomplishments are prolific would be an understatement.  She never runs out of subjects.  Included in the slide show is a painting of Western Lake at Santa Rosa Beach, Florida where they have a condo.  Another painting features a small back road in the Azores that she spotted on a visit.  Lynne says inspiration never ends, whether from travels, videos, or what’s around her.  Through YouTube she connected with a painting buddy in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. They sometime paint together via Facetime. 

Below, check out more bounty from the 100-day challenge. 



Thank you, Lynne!

Eagle Point through the ages:
