Columbia Township trustees voted not to accept the special assessment district (SAD) created to pave the dirt portion of Eagle Point Drive (at the Point).  SAD petitioners who favored paving outnumbered those opposed, both in terms of number of properties and amount of footage along the road.  Residents who opposed the paving told why they were against it at the meeting, as you will see in this video.  You’ll also see Kurt Parker, an attorney, who spoke on behalf of those who wanted the paving.  

Trustees voted not to accept the SAD 4-2. Some trustees commented they thought more information would be helpful.   Part of the cost of the paving would have been born by Jackson County, and the County also had said they would install drainage in the affected areas. 

The Columbia Township board voted unanimously to purchase a dock and place it adjacent to the west end boat launch.  Their purpose was to help people to launch and later remove their boats from the lake.   

Clerk Barry Marsh reported to the Board on an informal meeting held with Clark Lake residents regarding the cemetery.  In this video, he summarizes the outcome of discussions. 

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