Columbia Township trustees voted not to accept the special assessment district (SAD) created to pave the dirt portion of Eagle Point Drive (at the Point). SAD petitioners who favored paving outnumbered those opposed, both in terms of number of properties and amount of footage along the road. Residents who opposed the paving told why they were against it at the meeting, as you will see in this video. You’ll also see Kurt Parker, an attorney, who spoke on behalf of those who wanted the paving.
Trustees voted not to accept the SAD 4-2. Some trustees commented they thought more information would be helpful. Part of the cost of the paving would have been born by Jackson County, and the County also had said they would install drainage in the affected areas.
The Columbia Township board voted unanimously to purchase a dock and place it adjacent to the west end boat launch. Their purpose was to help people to launch and later remove their boats from the lake.
Clerk Barry Marsh reported to the Board on an informal meeting held with Clark Lake residents regarding the cemetery. In this video, he summarizes the outcome of discussions.
For more on this topic, please click here.
The Township Board should be ashamed for their NO VOTE ON PAVING EAGLE POINT RD😞. The next item being a new dock on the west end boat launch. We do not need more boats on Clark Lake. Who is going to be responsible for the clean up or any injuries due to creating another park, with a new dock added.
I guess it comes down to who should pay how much. Should the residents subsidize a benefit to the marina and restaurant? And with paving, how do you keep the speed to a safe speed for those who leave the restaurant.
As the petition was presented ,
The marina owns 1/2 of the frontage, but only had to pay as much as someone who only has 20 feet of dirt road. So the petition as drafted was not well thought out.
Apparently they don’t realize how much money a lot of those people pour in to the community in the summer months. Doesn’t say much to attract new people here either.
A dock at west end? Really? I guess the Trustees (which implies a fiduciary duty) gave no thought to fact that this just might encourage boat use by third parties which just might bring more unwanted foreign organisms (like mill foil etc) to the lake where we residents as Stewards Of The Lake are paying an annual assessment to already deal with issues similarly created. I respectfully suggest the Trustees reconsider their 6-0 to put a 48′ dock at that location. And, perhaps, they might consider having a public hearing on that issue.
Steve Harris, I respectfully agree! I will comment further later.
Jill Bentley
In the grand scheme of things, I applaud the dock. Clark Lake has always been a place of great memories and lasting impressions. This dock will demonstrate to all we are a positive, enabling community to all visitors with this added convenience.
Once upon a time the Clark’s Lake community & village was composed of farmers and merchants who built a school, a church, and built an economy. They invited guests to use their lake for their pleasure and enjoyment. Today, those who live on the lake seem to believe that those who would use the lake are their guests? I wonder how many folks who live on the lake have purchased plots in the Clark Lake cemetery?
Walt, are there any plots left?
As for paving of the road, I think the people who want the paving should pay for all of it. Isn’t that the neighborly thing to do?
My heart has been at Clark Lake since I was a 10 year old, running barefoot with my cousin Mary Bentley. Her Dad, Haskell, used to give us a dime for doing the dishes. We would run to the old Hotel and buy a Milky way–run back to the cottages and put it in the “ice box” As an adult, my husband and I bought the last cottage Rollo Every had to sell, right beside his own house. Our four sons grew up coming to that cottage every summer as soon as school got out.
Now, as an elderly adult I have fulfilled my dream, living out my life at Clark Lake. My children will take over when I’m gone, because their hearts are here too.