The Great American Crab Races put another year into the record books tonight at the Beach Bar. This Clark Lake event never fails to entertain participants,and the fans in the stands. This year was no different. Chair Linda Reynolds says “it started a bit slow but ended up as our best year ever!” And this is year number 28.
Check out who won the big money in this video.
If you watched the video, you saw the smiling faces of the winners. Here they are again.
The Crab Races start each year with kid’s day on Sunday. Kameron Truback, a second grader, was the lucky winner of the McDonald’s/Dr. Pepper bicycle.
The event took place Sunday through Tuesday, July 14 – 16 at the Beach Bar. If you would like to adopt some hermit crabs aka tree crabs, please call 517-745-2466 for more information.
A group of volunteers organize and put the event together every year.