The building known as the Clark Lake Community Center, once positioned on Kentucky Point, stood watch over the lake for 100 years. That changed when the Clark Lake community came together to save this iconic building. Instead of being scraped, it was floated down the lake and continues to overlook the lake, high on a hill, from its perch in the County Park.

Steamboat at Kentucky Point
Benjamin Graziani built the house in 1899. He, his family and descendants occupied the cottage for many years. It has a long, storied, past. Is it possible, that this 120 year old structure is host to paranormal activity? The next owner, prior to the house’s move down the lake, weighed in. In an article under Unexplained on this website, Laurie LaZebnik wrote “When Bob and I bought the Graziani property our realtor told us a person had died in an upstairs bedroom. This fact gave the property a ‘psychologically impacted’ status, which didn’t bother us at all.” Laurie was referring to Eliza Grazinani, wife of Benjamin, who died there in 1933. To read the full story on how this may have influenced the house, please click here, and scroll down.

Josh Harris, Tony Avalos, Desiree Avalos
Tonight, three members of Dark Lake Paranormal camped out at the Community Center at nightfall. All three investigators are practiced at this and and have stories to tell about their own experiences. For example, team leader Tony Avalos, at age ten, watched as his brother apparently communicated with a deceased relative.
The team came equipped with an array of electronics to uncover ghostly activity. The spirit box scans radio frequencies. The scan is so rapid that it does not set on any single frequency. So if a voice is heard overcoming this rapid scan, radio interference can be ruled out. The EMF units detect electromagnetic activity. Moving a detector close to an electrical panel sets off a signal as you would expect. But if the EMF picks up activity where electrical energy is not expected, it points to other worldly possibilities. EVP recordings are an added method. The investigator speaks to the entity while recording, and later reviews to hear if there is a response.
The team emphasizes their approach is as scientific as possible. They are well aware of the possibilities of auto-suggestion. “Quite often,” says Tony Avalos, “nothing happens at all. But when it does, we have to work hard at keeping a skeptical eye.”
Did they find anything at the Community Center tonight? During the first couple of hours the following occurred. Upstairs, they found several EMF spikes around an antique trunk. In one of the bedrooms, a spike was accompanied by a quick drop in temperature from 75 to 68 degrees.
Once they review their findings, Dark Lake Paranormal promises to reveal results of the investigation, and you can read about it here.
Below, in this short video, the team introduces some equipment and methods.
The antique trunk was donated by me. I “rescued” it from the attic of our family place at Clark Lake, summer of 1976. I used it as a piece of furniture for a few years. I donated it to the center in late 1990’s. I believe it originally belonged to my great uncle and ended up in the attic; probably used to transport household good and clothing from Cincinnati. I now live in Covington, Ky and see the name Graziani on a building nearby. The Graziani family was from Covington, where they would catch the train to Clark Lake. Small world it is.