At the most recent meeting of the Columbia Township board, trustees voted unanimously to declare its intent to become a charter township.  Currently, Columbia is a general law township.  So, why the change?

According to the Michigan Township Association’s website, the charter township option was created by the Michigan legislature in 1947 to “provide additional powers and streamlined administration for governing a growing community.”  Beyond that, a “primary motivation for townships to adopt the charter form is to provide greater protection against annexation by a city.”  Interestingly, the Village of Brooklyn has annexed portions of Columbia in the past.

Converting to charter status requires a process.  That includes advertising the intent.  If enough petitions opposing the change were received, then the decision would take the form of a referendum that would be voted upon by the electorate.  Opposition, for example, could come from a municipality that wishes to annex some or all of a township.

Until a few days ago, the Brooklyn DPW was responsible for servicing sewers at Clark Lake, Lake Columbia, and Vineyard Lake.  In June, Brooklyn gave Columbia Township a 60 day notice that Brooklyn would no longer provide that service.  Since then, Columbia Township has contracted for that service to be provided by JK of Michigan, a company related to M & K Jetting and Televising.  The scope of service includes grinder pumps at individual residences, lift stations, and transmission lines.

JK currently operates out of Jackson.  Columbia Township is seeking a location to headquarter activities closer to the action.

If you have a problem with your grinder pump, the phone number to call remains the same:  (517) 592-2727.
