The Columbia Township board reviewed comments made on this website along with emails and phone calls regarding the proposed concert venue at Clark Lake.  The overwhelming majority were opposed to the proposal and asked the board not to allow it. The board listened, and ruled in favor of the vast number of residents.

Clark Lakers turned out for the meeting this evening.  One trustee said it was the largest audience for a regular meeting that he has seen in his15 years of attending Township board meetings.  Not all Clark Lakers in the audience rose to register their opposition.  But they did stay to watch the drama unfold.

Here’s what you’ll see in the video.  Three trustees were absent—Brent Beamish, Robin Tackett and Mike Trout.  The remaining four trustees–Barry Marsh, John Calhoun, Cathy Jo Hulburt, and Rick Deland—constituted a quorum.  The proposal had been tabled during the January meeting.  The board reversed that.  Then Supervisor Barry Marsh asked if there was a motion to approve the proposal.  Hearing none, he then asked if there was a motion to deny the proposal.


It’s worth viewing comments from both those who opposed and favored the proposal.  Stay tuned.  Those will be presented in a follow up story.

Trustees also discussed the Township Park.  Also stay tuned for that story on this website.

