The asphalt in front of the post office is being replaced with a concrete surface.

The asphalt in front of the post office is being replaced with a concrete surface.

The main counter inside the post office is now lower.

The main counter inside the post office is now lower.

This counter is also lower--it's intended for the use of post office customers.

This counter is also lower–it’s intended for the use of post office customers.

If you’ve been to Doyle’s or the Clark Lake Post Office, you no doubt noticed the construction work proceeding in the parking area over the last couple of days.  Crews are removing the asphalt in front of the post office and will replace it with concrete.  Eventually there will be at least one handicap parking space.

The change in pavement is likely the result of the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  The rules call for a concrete surface, not asphalt.  Thus, the changes that are taking place.  Earlier this year, modifications were made inside the building.  The two counters were lowered so they could be more easily accessed by someone in a wheelchair.

The work is being funded with tax dollars.
